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Our Reconciliation Action Plan

Our journey

Developing stronger connections with our First Nations people that meaningfully informs our built environment projects across Australia is fundamental to our reconciliation journey.

For many years, we have had the opportunity to be guided by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people on many successful projects and it is with immense pride that we commence our formal reconciliation journey through the implementation of our first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

Through this RAP we commit to embedding a deeper understanding of Country with our staff, and to increase the inclusion and participation of First Nations Peoples in the design and planning process.

Our Reflect RAP

Our Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan sets out the practical steps that we are taking to:

  • Promote early engagement with First Nations People in our projects.
  • Encourage First Nations People to pursue a career in the built environment.
  • Promote First Nations land management practices.
  • Promote the respectful use and development in accordance with caring for Country principles.

We will meaningfully and respectfully engage with Traditional Owners, identifying opportunities in our work to celebrate the ongoing cultural and spiritual connections of First Nation Peoples to land, waterways and sky.

We are proud to share our RAP with you and welcome you to get in touch and share your thoughts and learnings in this area.

These designs represent our Country and how important it is to maintain a healthy Country and waterways. Our people and our communities are connected to our Country, if the Country becomes sick it can impact our people and communities. This is why it is important to look after our Country.
Alfred carter - our country 2022 - tract

Our Country, 2022
88 x 119 cm Acrylic on canvas
Original artwork by
Alfred Carter

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