Town Planning
Urban Design
Springvale, VIC
Tract provided planning and urban design services for a significant staged extension of and alterations to the existing Lexington Gardens Aged Care facility, including a range of coordination activities including amendments to the planning permits and successful extension of time requests.
The proposal involved two staged planning applications involving the addition of five buildings ranging from three to five storeys to make better use of the existing land and utilising a unique pre-fabricated timber construction to achieve a highly environmentally sustainable outcome.
The complex includes an indoor heated swimming pool, tennis court, bowling green, resident’s gym and a café, in addition to assisted living and aged care facilities. A range of landscaping treatments were incorporated including a number of gardens and quiet zones to shield residents from vehicular noise from Westall Road.
Tracts Media team produced a series of 3D visualisations for marketing purposes and to assist Allity to demonstrate to council how a proposed new building at Lexington Gardens retirement village would look from designated viewpoints.
Images were produced by combining SLR photography and GPS data in 3D with reference to materials palettes provided by the project architects.